Thursday, August 9


The saying "today is the first day of the rest of your life" has never been more true to me than it is now. For years, I've been telling my therapist that I cannot envision life after law school. For me, the future has always seemed like a horrible black emptiness. When I was in junior high, I told somebody that I would grow up to be a teenage suicide. Now here I sit, a dozen failed suicide attempts and a law degree later. I am almost twenty-six years later, and I still have no idea what I want to do with my life.

For years, I've been telling everyone that I want to be a lawyer. Now that I'm waiting on my bar exam results, I don't know if that's still what I want to do. It's true that I find litigation fascinating. I have no doubt that if I was to find a job, I would do well and be as content as I could probably be in any field. But right now, I am so lacking in passion. I am not lacking in determination or motivation, just a feeling that I'm going in the right direction.

I am starting this blog because I know that I will no longer be able to see my therapist of over two years. Now that I've graduated, I will no longer have access to the affordable health care I had at school.

My name is Kacey. I am very particular about my writing utensils. I have an aversion to water. Sometimes I think the song on the radio are being played as a message specifically to me. I have just graduated law school, and I have bipolar disorder.


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